Friday, February 1, 2008


I cannot grasp the current men's obsession with facial hair. It seems to be everywhere. Quite a few men are sporting beards and messy long hair. I'm not talking goatees here, (which can actually be quite attractive), I'm talkin' full-blown all out BEARDS, big long hairy messy beards, not shaven into neat shapes, just a sasquatch hair free-for-all. The young men are the ones that really trip me out with it. Didn't their papas teach them how to shave? I don't get how this is the new trend. Where did this ugly thing start? With bands? Because a lot of bands are doing it too. Image Hosted by
Or Play off beards? I have heard about guys not shaving until the playoffs or other similar contests. But really, guys, unless you're ZZ TOP, Image Hosted by

Or a Hasidic jew Image Hosted by

Or an old homeless guy Image Hosted by

Or an Amish guy... Image Hosted by

...the shit aint cool! C'mon fellas, it's 2008. The Neanderthal look went out in the late Pleistocene Epoch (roughly 30,000 years ago).
David letterman had a hideous rug on his face. Ugh. Made him look 25 years older. Image Hosted by ImageShack.usAs it does with EVERY man who grows one. Granted, his was a statement about the writer's strike... but still...GROSS!

There are only 2 men I know who can rock the beard properly and handsomely... Jason and Chuck. That's IT. But they keep it nice and clean, you know?

No one, not even your mom, wants to kiss a face with wiry messy hair all over it that scratches you or worse yet has tiny food particles lodged in it. SICK!
Just SHAVE already! Save us from the horror. Give me time to stop being grossed out by this so I can worry and ponder about other more important things, like, WHAT, on God's Green Earth makes a white person think it's cool to grow dreadlocks??? Image Hosted by ImageShack.usThere's a reason they are called DREADlocks. They are DREADFUL!!!!
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Anonymous said...

what? i think beards are super sexy! i hate goatees and those perfectly coifed burns. sooooo cheezy! i have to disagree with you on this, big time!

Sheryl said...

Oh maaaaan... I hate "anonymous". Just say who you are already! I don't mind if you disagree with me. I'm just ranting and raving.

Jason Hallows said...

I'm in favor of beards on all dudes. I've actually never met a dude who I didn't think, "man, you'd look better with a beard". But also, thanks for saying mine looks good.

robochimp! said...

Haha! You know whats funny? A couple of days ago I ran into a friend of mine who was always super clean shaven. When I saw him again I had no idea who he was because he grew a full on beard. =) It was hilarious! So we started talking about his beard decision and he pretty much told me that he grew one out because
1.He hates shaving
2.He always had a life goal of growing a beard
3.His work will let him have one
4.He is living the dream for all other men who can't grow beards
Haha! I laughed. It was great times =) =) =)